
Clearing House collects STB production reports send by importers. Importers need to have a valid agreement with Clearing House in order to be able to send reports to
keyorder(@) The structure and content of STB production report have to be according the specification given by Conax.

Clearing House groups reports together and makes an order at least once a month for Conax. If Importer needs quicker delivery for pairing keys the order can be handled separately with additional cost by Clearing House. The monthly order is made on the last working day of each month.

Clearing House will inform the importer as soon as pairing keys are installed at operator’s site.

Useful links regarding pairing and Clearing House activities:

Finnish Federation for Communications and Teleinformatics, FiCom is a co-operation organization for the ICT  industry in Finland and looks after its interests

Information about cable-tv and CABLE READY HD devices

Conax is a global provider of security solutions to leading digital TV broadcasters

Data Prisma provides Clearing House services

Labwise offers independent testing and verification services for manufacturers